Turtle Creek paddle on Sunday 11-2-19


I am hosting a State Line Paddlers trip on Turtle Creek ** Sunday, 3 November  2019 **  Car shift will be at 10:00, plan to be there 09:30 to 09:45 to unload.  The trip is about 11 miles. 

The launch is at on O’Riley Road about 400 meters (1/4 mile) east of the bridge in a small forests preserve on the north side of the creek.  Take out will be in Sweet Allyn Park on Highway “J” east  of Beloit.

 If you need directions to the launch, Take I-39 North to I-43, get off at Rt 140 go north about 1/2 mile to Townline Rd., then East about 4 miles to O’Riley Rd and turn North.  The road turns right after the bridge, and the launch is at the curve in the road. The O’Riley Rd. sign was missing last time I was there.  If you see a dead end sign just passed a road that only goes left, you are at O”Riley Rd.

Expect temperatures in the low 40s and cold water.  Dry suits or wet suits recommended but not required.

The usual rules apply including but not limited to:

Participants provide their own suitable canoe or kayak, paddle(s), PFD/approved life jackets, and wear PFD on water

Minors must be accompanied by responsible adult

Adults must sign in , on waiver sheet

Hydration/drinking water BYO,

Lunch BYO

Dump bag – Dry bag w/change of clothing

Contact: The e-mail list, e-mail to hereagain@grics.net,  Stateline FB Page, or my cell phone (815)441-2021 

Harry T. (Tom) Meyen

Members of Stateline paddlers and guests welcome

Members of Prairie State Canoeists and guests welcome

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