The next meeting will be a potluck at the Reuters from 6 PM to 9 PM on Saturday February 16, 2013. My house address is 10407 Lansdowne Dr. Machesney Park, IL. A map is included below. The Reuters will furnish the BBQs, buns, and a potato dish. Please bring a dish to pass, a friend or spouse and an appetite. We need to have an idea how many people will be coming. You can sign the guest list and what you are bringing on our WEB page at or at the new temporary new WEB page at You can also see what other people will be bringing. We will try to have the meeting at 7 o’clock. Here is a list things that need to be discuses like trip’s, this year flyer, Apostle islands, meeting, and other events. If you still have questions you can call my cell phone at 815-494-8502 or email me at