We will meet at north shore boat landing at Devil’s lake State Park on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at about 10:03 AM. The north shore boat landing is on the north side of the park just off of DL no car shuttle is needed for this paddle but you do have to have a WI state sticker to get in the park. After we meet we’ll decide what we want to do first.
Devil’s lake is a 360 acre lake with bluffs on the east and west sides that stick up some 500 feet off the lake. Jeff Reuter will be hosting this paddle for more info call me on my cell at 815-494-8502.
For the hike bring comfortable clothes and hiking shoes with non-slip soles and hydration because it can be hot on the buffs. For the paddle participants provide their own suitable canoe or kayak, paddle(s), PFD/approved life jackets, and wear PFD on water Minors must be accompanied by responsible adult Adults must sign in on waiver sheet Hydration/drinking water BYO Lunch, BYO Dump bag – Dry bag w/change of clothing
Members of Stateline paddlers and guests welcome
Members of Prairie State Canoeists and guests welcome